Dazed and Bemused

Drunken recollections, boring anecdotes, and obscure references

Friday, December 10, 2004

I Have Lost Something

Been giving this album a lot of play lately. I've had it for months, gave it a couple cursory listens, then pretty much ignored it until a few days ago. Gave it another chance after loading it to my iPod, and am enjoying it more with each listen.

Had the office Christmas party yesterday, which was quite the adventure. Left the office at 1:00 for a limo ride (my first) to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular featuring the Rockettes. The Rockettes were great, and were on stage enough that I resisted the temptation to gouge out my eyes during the other portions, which were the kind of sickenly saccharine skits and songs I've always associated with the stereotypical 50s suburban nuclear family. After a few minutes to get our stomaches to stop heaving, it was back in the limo to a fancy steak place, Elway's, for one of the best steaks I've ever had. Not sure I'd sit through the performance again for a repeat of the meal, but it'd be a close decision. I told everyone next year I was picking the entertainment and we were all going clubbing.