Dazed and Bemused

Drunken recollections, boring anecdotes, and obscure references

Thursday, April 07, 2005

It would be awesome, if we could dance

Greetings from the Neitherworld. I know it's been a long time between posts, but I've been suffering from a wicked case of Countchoculitis. Not too much to report, slowly settling into the new place, desperately looking forward to a real vacation, and pondering a second job to supplement my alcohol entertainment budget.

I did get out last Friday to see Split Lip Rayfield at the Larimer. They’re a rockin’ four-piece (Bluegrass/Thrashgrass/Slamgrass) outfit. Acoustic guitar, banjo, electric mandolin, bass made out of a car gas tank. All four switched on Lead vocals, and did some nice 3-4 part harmony stuff at times. Lots of energy, tight playing, very dynamic on stage, and they played over 90 minutes with encore. I’ve heard them on CD and it doesn’t come close to the live performance, which I’d highly recommend if the genre isn’t a deal-breaker for you.

This Sunday night it’s Electric Six at the Larimer. I’ve been looking forward to this show since I first heard about it, and have scheduled Monday off since it’s likely to be a late night. They’ve got a new album out in the UK, hopefully they’ll have copies at the show. Please budget bail money just in case.

Alan is getting over you, one six-pack at a time