Dazed and Bemused

Drunken recollections, boring anecdotes, and obscure references

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Stick me in your skull and bones purse

Saw a couple good local bands last night, Cat-a-tac and Hobbs, NM Intervention at Hobbs, NM Intervention at Bender's. I really like the performance room at Bender's. There's a decent-sized stage, a big dance floor, and a nicely elevated tier around three sides of the floor with seating. Was a good show, but I skipped the headliner, Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter, since they would have hit the stage at midnight and it was a Tuesday.

Although, half my office, including all the people I report to are out of town at a trade show until Monday. So if there were a time to show up after 5 hours sleep and nap at my desk this would be it. Instead I'm blogging and blasting the Cramps. I'll save the napping for Friday morning, since I'm going to see Fallout Orphan Thursday night, and it's a long bill that probably won't end till nearly 2.

Alan is getting on the bus


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I've been trying to get people to call Sunny D

There's a new album by The Hold Steady coming out on May 3, mark your calendars. In the meantime there are a couple of songs available at Emusic from a Crisp songs sampler. These songs will apparently not be on the new album.

Rilo Kiley will be playing in Denver on 6/13 at the Gothic. I'm thinking of going, although I'm not a big fan of the venue, despite having pleasant memories of seeing The Pixies play there a few times. It's also on a Monday, which is another factor.

Toying with the idea of road-tripping to Dallas to catch Ted Leo on 6/6. I'd love to see the show, and a road-trip might be fun, but on the other hands, it's Texas! In the Summer!

Alan has got the good stuff kids go for


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Do what you want to do

Meet the new Pope, not at all like the old Pope. One thing he does have in common with his predecessor is his desire to see the Church embrace the values of the Fifties, though in his case it's the 1450s.

Read a great quote last night, which I record here for my own recollection. "Nothing limits intelligence more than ignorance; nothing fosters ignorance more than one's own opinions; nothing strengthens opinions more than refusing to look at reality".

Alan is not very Popeful


Friday, April 15, 2005

Do ya do ya want my love?

Big ups to Sue for pointing out this work of staggering genius. The fourth one down is going to be on a T-shirt if I have to give up a kidney to get it.

Alan is a silly rabbit


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Somebody better notify the Chief of police

Still recovering from the Electric Six show on Sunday night. Braved 15 inches of snow and it was still coming down, but the Larimer was packed. Lots of hot, sweaty, improper dancing. Awesome show, made me want to throw some clothes in the car and follow the tour. They'll be in San Francisco on the 20th. Their last CD is on Emusic, check out Danger! High Voltage, Gay Bar, or Dance Commander if you're interested. They have a new CD, but it's only available in the UK currently. Didn't stop me from ordering it from Amazon UK though.

Last week they announced two nights with Neko Case at the Bluebird on 6/3 and 6/4. I bought tickets to both shows today. That's the next big show on the radar for me, though Radio 4 at the Larimer in May should also be a good show. Good chance the Larimer will have The Hold Steady this Summer too, which I'd love to see.

Alan is doing it in the middle of the street


Thursday, April 07, 2005

It would be awesome, if we could dance

Greetings from the Neitherworld. I know it's been a long time between posts, but I've been suffering from a wicked case of Countchoculitis. Not too much to report, slowly settling into the new place, desperately looking forward to a real vacation, and pondering a second job to supplement my alcohol entertainment budget.

I did get out last Friday to see Split Lip Rayfield at the Larimer. They’re a rockin’ four-piece (Bluegrass/Thrashgrass/Slamgrass) outfit. Acoustic guitar, banjo, electric mandolin, bass made out of a car gas tank. All four switched on Lead vocals, and did some nice 3-4 part harmony stuff at times. Lots of energy, tight playing, very dynamic on stage, and they played over 90 minutes with encore. I’ve heard them on CD and it doesn’t come close to the live performance, which I’d highly recommend if the genre isn’t a deal-breaker for you.

This Sunday night it’s Electric Six at the Larimer. I’ve been looking forward to this show since I first heard about it, and have scheduled Monday off since it’s likely to be a late night. They’ve got a new album out in the UK, hopefully they’ll have copies at the show. Please budget bail money just in case.

Alan is getting over you, one six-pack at a time
